Friday, December 5, 2008

but anything goes when everything's gone

this week hasn't been the greatest. it's been a roller coaster ride from the start.

certain things should be left unsaid. don't get me wrong, i was glad my mom decided to tell me, but it just wasn't something i really needed to hear. brought up many things i had buried and would rather not think about.

learned we were getting kicked out of our house because our landlord is an idiot and feels it is not important to pay the mortgage. so now we are left to find a new house during the holiday break and move. what a wonderful gift to us. luckily we have some prospects, including an amazing house that is literally over the fence from us. it's so wonderful. now if only the property management company would call us back. that would be wonderful.

still do not have a second placement, but i have been told "not to worry, it will work itself out". ugh. also i still do not know about my credits situation from mike. i have to go give him my academic evaluation tomorrow so he can move forward with it. so frustrating.

i just hope something goes right or good for us soon or i might crack.

decided to color my hair again. not sure when i am going to do it. in the next week or so. also while doing that, sharone will be wrapping my gifts that are done so far. since she loves doing it. plus i have started my baking. i am making a cherry pie tomorrow. made the dough for the crust tonight... wonderful.

once break starts it will be filled with not only my classroom and work, but reading and baking and christmas gifts. :) love it. oh and i guess finding and moving to our new house. not so wonderful.

off to finish crossing jordan and sleep.

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