Sunday, June 14, 2009

i am aiming to be somebody that somebody trusts

thank you cards: done. laundry: almost done. packing: no where near being done.

need to get back into my routine... got so off that i am starting to feel weird. starts tonight.

sitting in the kitchen in a house that i am alone in. so depressing. i am going to take down all the post its. they are driving me insane, and since i am alone it isn't going to matter. trying to get the little things packed, so all i have to deal with in the big stuff. another goodwill trip is going to be in order. a pile is growing again. and this time it isn't my stuff, maybe a couple, but not a lot.

i need to drop off thank you cards at the post office. give other cards to people at work, and ginger. i need to find the rest of the dirty dishes and start the dishwasher. i need to figure out something to eat, wrap my dad's birthday/father's day present, since they are on the same day this year. i should probably also vacuum upstairs since donald didn't before he left.

oh and i have gotten rid of one of the couches. and am $50 richer cause of it. :)

off to find something to eat. random food for the next few weeks. meh.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

we're so far away from home, but brother you're not alone

by the end of today i was so ready to get away from everyone. i am sick of being around people and stress and stupidity. i need a vacation away from here, away from everyone around me.

someone i got screwed and am missing specific stuff. it pisses me off to no end and am about ready to explode. if i find one more thing that has gone missing someone is going to hear about it and they aren't going to like it. but at this point i don't really care. stupid selfish idiots who i am in no mood to deal with for the next few weeks.

largest goodwill pile i think i have every taken to goodwill is going tonight. i purged so much. and am very proud of myself.

need to figure out where my stuff is going after we move out, when i am moving out. i also need to talk to kelly and kathy about living situation stuff after august. as of now we are homeless... well really i am the only one. kathy has her apartment and kelly has the house that she is sitting for right now.

i really just want to scream at the top of my lungs right now. so pissed off right now. i'm off to clean.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

i've been beaten down, i've been kicked around, but she takes it all for me

ugh... packing is starting to be a pain. though i need to get my tubs down from the garage before i can really do anything about packing big stuff. though i have managed to start a nice sized goodwill pile. :) plus i found more books to take to powell's. once i have tubs... time to go through clothes and downsize as much as possible. it will make things easier. lastly is going to be the kitchen stuff. who the heck nows what i am going to do with that stuff. i have accumulated a lot. moving sucks. especially since i don't know where i am putting all my stuff, where i am moving after august. or basically what i am doing with the rest of my life. ugh. i hate the real world

working on a sunday sucks. ugh. even if it was for 4 hours, it still wasn't fun. ugh.

i have a weird feeling about a few things and how they are going to pan out. just need to get through these next three weeks.

off to read. go figure. 4th book. :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

like the sky when the sun is gone

i hate mondays. more than usual today for some reason. maybe it's because this weekend was just full of bad or surprising news. sort of drained me of my energy.

my to do list:
-contact food stamp office about my work study being over
-deposit checks
-go through old mail and organize file binder
-wash sheets
-figure out what i am doing with my hair.

i need to start getting organized for the real world. it's starting to scare me. but needs to be done. i am also considering chopping my hair. i'm bored with it, and sort of want it shorter, but not super short. still trying to decide. i guess we will see. hmmm....

my workout was put on hold the last couple days, but not as a whole. just bits and pieces. going to be starting again tonight. hopefully. run and ab workout.

my roommate is living me on wednesday to go home for good for the summer. it is so sad. i am not only going to have the room to myself, but i am going to be the only girl in the house again. ridiculous.

off to enjoy the rest of my lunch. watch some charmed, since i forgot my book at home. then back to work. yay for entering apps into filemaker. boooooooo not.