Monday, December 22, 2008

who i am, who i'm not and who i wanna be

you know it is interesting how much i wanted to be at home, but now that i am here... it isn't all i wished it would be. i mean sure its nice to get away from the house and all the annoyingness of certain roommates, to get away from forest grove and to just be able to relax and not have to stress over things school related. but to come home to more stress and bitchy people and family members who really don't want me here isn't the greatest feeling.

this is part of the reason that i don't like coming home. i guess i just don't feel unappreciated. attempted to help my mom clean up the kitchen today and all i got was yelled at for being in the way and being too pushy. tried to help my sister with her room and such last night and i got told that i wasn't helping only making a bigger mess, which was crap. i try and tell my sister that her attitude towards all of us is awful and i am the one getting yelled at by my mom... doesn't make sense to me either.

my sister's attitude and the way she acts is driving me up the wall. if she isn't texting she is talking on the phone to her boyfriend in georgia. which i still think is ridiculous. then if she is asked to do something, she ignores whoever is asking her or just yells at us for being so rude. i just don't really get it.

i guess a couple good things that has come out of being at home is hanging out with a friend i haven't actually out with since high school. it was good to see her. and now that she is in philomath and not eugene till she leaves for boston in august i'm sure we will be seeing more of each other. i also get to see jillian and actually spend a good solid half the day with her on tuesday doing some christmas shopping. yay. i also get to sleep in and read something that isn't textbooks or my work sample.

speaking of work sample... i have finally figured out my second placement. no thanks to debbie mind you. my teacher i am currently with asked around and has given me a 6th grade teacher who is very interested in having me. :) i haven't emailed her yet, but i am going to tomorrow. and i guess i should inform debbie that she can stop 'bothering' people as she has put it before.

haha i love getting phone calls from people that i don't want to hear from. good thing i had a good lie to use... that wasn't actually a lie when i told it to him. oh well. at least i got out of it.

sadly we didn't go to maupin this weekend cause both the moutain and the gorge roads are closed and my grandma said they had snow that was up to her hips over there. i am just hoping that is goes away soon so we can make it next weekend. otherwise there will be no christmas with my mom's side of the family, which wouldn't be be so bad except for the fact that we aren't having christmas with my dad's side of the family either. sort of. we aren't doing anything with my grandpa at his house this year cause joyce decided she couldn't handle it, which is bullshit. so instead we are just doing dinner at our house and my aunt and uncle from salem are coming down. it just isn't going to be the same, but oh well i guess.

stealing even more music from my sister. :) love it.

i swear everyone is either getting married or having babies these days. today alone i have found out about 2 different people from my high school graduating class who are pregnant and there was one engagement that austyn told me about. goodness.

also found out some happy news from a friend. very cute and actually really surprising. i am super happy for her, but can't help being a little jealous at the same time. she'll never know that cause i wouldn't ever tell her, but i know deep down i am.

so ready for christmas to come. doesn't really feel like it, but i'm excited anyways. i am going to be finishing my sister's present tomorrow and will also be baking. :) i also need to go to the bank and deposit one last check for the gas bill that i think has finally gone through.

off to read yet another book. 5th one of break.

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