Wednesday, December 16, 2009

lay your money on the sun until you crash what have you done

you would think that since i got 4 hours of sleep last night that i would be passed out asleep. well i feel like that, but i have been lying here wide awake for a good 45 mins already. this is total crap. i want this sleep problem to freaking go away already... seriously. ugh.

i got two more presents almost completed. need to add some finishing touches on them, but for the most part they are done. :) thankfully. sent the greatest present ever out today on my lunch break. i am so excited. haha and it isn't even for me.

i was doing so well until you popped back up. seriously, you would think that you would actually get the hint and go away. apparently not. seriously i think i am going to have to start being mean or rude or something. or just flat out tell you to get the hell away from me. let's hope it doesn't come to that.

i neeeeeeed a massage. my shoulders are killing me. probably cause i was holding one of my students for a good portion of the day cause she didn't feel good. and then walking in the door to a 7 year old and a 2 year old jumping on you really doesn't help. although they do make me smile.

a good 10 mins after i walked in the door, i did manage to pull out another one of savannah's teeth. apparently i am the only one that she will let touch her teeth. i love it. two teeth down so far.

i am thinking about teaching english abroad somewhere. rooooommate mentioned it today and i have always wanted to go abroad and i figure i can go abroad and see some of the world, and get paid to do it. :) i think it would be a lot of fun. and a great experience. guess we will see.

i am hoping for more sleep, or at least less times awake for no apparent reason. and i do get to sleep in. all the more reason to sleep more.

clearing my mind and hoping to sleep.

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