Sunday, April 11, 2010

she's learning how to let go

this weekend was probably one of the best weekends in a long time. :) it was wonderful to not have to worry about anything and be able to relax and have some fun. basically i said screw it i am not looking at lesson plans and enjoyed it.

the job search still continues. i am just done with my current job and need to find something that is more permanent and closer to my field, not that the job i am in isn't, but it isn't exactly what i want to be doing forever. i want something more with older children and in more of a school setting. not to mention i am fed up with all of the drama. i'm just ready for something better. this was a good start, but i want something better.

this headache that i have had for a good portion of the day which i was hoping would go away has now turned into a migraine. seriously. it hurts way too much to even read, which is probably not a good thing. let's just hope that it's gone by morning or monday is going to be terrible. and having a terrible monday is never good cause monday is supposed to be prep for tuesday, which we all know will be terrible no matter what. excedrin migraine needs to kick in right about.... NOW.

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