Tuesday, July 20, 2010

all the stars and boulevards ain't close enough to you

it's been a while... a long while. honestly i needed a break and i really haven't had much time to actually sit down and put my thoughts anywhere than floating aimlessly in my mind. not that that is ever really helpful.

still job searching. still disliking my current situation. a perfect example, it's tuesday night. i'm exhuasted. i was honestly exhausted and ready for the week to be over at 10:15 this morning when i took my morning break. i think because i dislike my boss as much as i do and the way things are run it makes me much more drained far more easier. so i continue to look. hoping for the best. so far this week i'm up to 8 jobs, 5 were just tonight. here's hoping.

one thing i have been able to accomplish this summer was catching up on my reading. i have currently read 14 books this summer. i just started my 15th one today. i have a pile of oh.... about 12 that are currently waiting for me to read. i miss reading. let's see:
- finish the stephanie plum series
- bitter is the new black
- two books from dani from indo
- a soft place to land
- take 3 and i think take 4
- apparently the harry potter series (according to jillian)
- plus whatever comes up along the way

i hate loans. they suck. big time. thankfully i'm actually paying one down at a very nice pace. should be gone by the beginning of 2012. which means that's one less company i will have to deal with. i do need to look into consolidating all my loans into one company. right now i have three and 6 total loans, two from each. i just consolidated within each company, but not all into one. i need to look into a lot of things to do with my loans. i just add it to the list.

and then there is my love life. currently a big messy complicated situation. although this isn't new. i've just added to it. far too much to think about. messy is just how it's going to be for now. i've come to accept this.

it was payday today, which means i'm off to pay bills. how sad.

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