Monday, March 31, 2008

and there's no better feeling in the world

i can't believe that spring break is already over. but it was a nice break. not long enough of course, but good. went home for the first time in 3 months. saw my familia. saw a lot of friends i hadn't seen in months and even years. attempted to do some homework. managed to get sick. :( and still am. finally got new tires for my car. did some bonding with my sister over the oc. :] always a good thing. and just being lazy in general.

now its back to the grind of things. and i am already overwhelmed and stressed. oh joy. tons of reading, papers, projects, assigments, lesson plans and oh so many things to do. mail my taxes out, advising for fall semester with an idiot adviser who is never there. ugh.

on a brighter note... we basically have the house for next year! :] and i am quite excited about that. one less thing to worry about, other than the money side of things. but that can wait, for now at least. speaking of money. should get the housing lottery money back, my tax refund and my annuity money, so i think i will be alright, even though i am not working a lot right now.

there are so many people either getting engaged, married, having kids or a combination of the three. its crazy. every time i turn around i hear of someone else. eeek!

i have no motivation to do anything. i hate being sick. all i want to do is crawl in bed in my sweats and read or watch the oc or sleep. tomorrow nights class is going to kill me. ugh.

okay i guess i should try and work on my art history paper. doubt it will happen, but a girl can dream.

oh jillian i hope you had a good first day back in classes! i am sure you did great.
and dani... i am all alone in the apartment and its very sad. i hope your teaching is going well. and i am happy your outfit worked today. hehe ;]

1 comment:

the sky is yours said...

well, everything has been working in our favor lately... except your health! feel better soon!!!!

love love love :D