Tuesday, March 6, 2012

one year ago...

the 28th of february marked my one-year anniversary of living here in korea. it feels like time has flown by. it doesn't feel like it's been a year. some mornings i wake up and it feels like the first day, other days it feels like i have been here for ages. no matter how long i have been here, i have enjoyed my time here. sure there have been ups and downs, hard times and easy times, times where i have been homesick for friends and family and familiarity, and other times where i don't want to go home. below are some of the things this past year has brought me. these aren't in any date or specific order... 

zip-lining. for someone who hates heights i have now done this and bungee-jumping while in korea

jennie and i completed ziplining!
we spent a weekend playing in the mud at mudfest 2011!
dani and i at the north seoul tower near the wall of locks.
our first weekend as rooooooommates in korea!
st. patrick's/dani's birthday weekend out in seoul.
school hikes with my co-teachers
a long weekend trip to jeju island!

iain visited and we headed to the DMZ
at the freedom bridge in between north and south korea
got to see sara bareilles live in concert in seoul!
adventured to thailand with stephanie for summer vacation!
water balloon fights!
jennie and i went to her co-teachers family reunion. this is supposed to be the yellow sea.
i've eaten plenty of traditional korean food...
plenty of girl's nights out in seoul!
winter camp meant plenty of time to play with my kids!
spent chuseok (korean thanksgiving) in busan at the beach!
Santa-con 2011 out in Hongdae!
adventured to indonesia for winter vacation. anything to get out of the freezing cold winter that is korea.
 i'm starting year number two working at a new school, living in a new apartment in a new city, and i'm ready for new adventures. this second year is all about saving though. i didn't do so well with that the 1st year. i have added to my debt with doing grad school instead of making it go down. in the end though it will be worth it cause i will have my master's degree and be done with school. 

so this year's goals: 
- save as much as i can
- pay down my loans at least a little 
- continue with grad school 
- actually work on my speaking/reading korean

here's to another year of amazingness... 

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