first day of work at the new job down. let's just say that i am going to enjoy it, but i am going to be exhausted all the time and i am pretty sure i am going to have no social life. scratch that... i am going to make sure i have a social life. otherwise i am going to go insane.
i think the worst thing about my job is the commute, which everyone who i have talked to told me it would be. and so did i. but honestly there isn't anything i can do about it. i can't break my lease, cause that would cost to much not to mention leave kelly a roommate down, not that she couldn't have ben move in, since he is over here all the time anyways. haha. i am just going to have to get used to it and once the lease is up in like a year and 3 months, then i can think about moving, if i even have this job that long... haha. :)
i think this blog will be more updated more frequently starting now. i am going to need to vent and of course share all of the ridiculous stories i have. speaking of ridiculous stories.
i have a child who is autistic in my class and on top of that he has diabeties. i feel so bad for him, but he is a crack up most of the time. though there are times when he could be more calm. anyways... i learned today that he has an excellent memory. and he shared this with me by reading the hungry catepiller, without even looking at the book. i had the book in my had and i was turning the page and he was off on the other side of his sleeping mat not looking at the book, but totally reading it word for word. it was so cute. i heard that story 5 times today.
another thing i am probably not going to like about being in the classroom that i am in is the changing of the 3 children who are still working on potty training. i will not get over the fact that i have to change pull-ups. i think i gagged like 4 times today. i will not share those stories... not fun. let's just put it that way.
i have a 40 page new employee manual to read and highlight the important facts and information i am going to need to remember. i also have to fill out three more pages of paperwork, plus i need to figure out where i hid my social security card to bring it in for more paperwork tomorrow. lovely.
my soup is ready. i am going to enjoy it, possibly watch a tv show and then totally crash hard core.
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