friday=payday! ii love with friday and payday fall on the same day. it was also a very good thing because i was running a lot lower in my bank account than i really like to. so that was good. it also meant i could actually go shopping for things i needed.
saturday jennie and i had planned on going into seoul to do the much needed shopping. though friday, jennie got her medical packet for peace corps, so that meant she was going down the the hospital in seoul to get all the medical stuff out of the way. this meant i was on my own for the first part of my day. which totally meant i slept in. sort of. i wake up automatically between 5:30 and 6:30 because that is around the time i get up during the week. and also because i have an entire wall that is nothing but windows and the sun shines right in bright and early every morning. it's rather annoying. once i got up and ready for the day i made my way to seoul in hunt for my dad's father's day/birthday/christmas present. (for fear he might read this, i won't say what i got him) i will say that i got lost at some point trying to find it as i got off the subway. we all know how good i am with directions, i ended up walking the other direction for a good mile or so before i realized i went the wrong way. after a ton of digging and searching i found exactly what i was looking for!
met jennie for lunch in itaewon and after she managed to talk down a store owner from 85,000won to 60,000won for a backpack for me. so now i will be set for busan (if we go), mudfest, and thailand. and i'm sure for a bunch of other trips i will probably take. once that was done, it was time to head to myeongdong to do some much needed shopping for essentials. forever 21 and H&M are basically the only two stores in all of korea that are going to carry clothes that are going to fit me. because i have curves, unlike basically 95% of korea. scored on finding a skirt and i FINALLY found plain shirts. i swear everything over here is sparkly, frilly, fluffy, or something along those lines. H&M was having some sort of sale and they had plain shirts and tank tops, so both jennie and i stocked up. after wearing one today, i am tempted to go back at some point and get some more, cause they are awesome. by the time we got home we were exhausted.
one of my goals while i was out shopping was to find an external hard drive because i am afraid i am going to run out of room on my computer. i checked it the other day and had a small panic attack. i have one external hard drive, but it is used for my TimeMachine, which backs up my computer, so i can't use it as a regular external hard drive. i want to be able to move a bunch of stuff i don't currently need on my laptop to there, so i can save some space, but there are a few things i want to download that are going to take up quite a bit of room. well i didn't end up going to yongsan, cause we were exhausted, so i'm still on a hunt for that.
so once i got home i went through the things on my computer already to see if there was anything i could get rid of. what did i find on there... THREE copies of both my 2nd and 6th grade work samples. why i have 3 in different spots on my laptop i have no idea. so i was able to get rid of 4 giant files. and a bunch of other random stuff that i forgot was on there. i went through and completely organized things, cause we all know i am OCD like that. it's not that they were unorganized, i just made it better. or at least that's what i tell myself. ;)
sunday jennie and i went into seoul and met amy at a soccer game. we went at saw the national olympic korean team play jordan. now i have been to my fair share of soccer games over the last 23 years of my life. but never have i ever been to a soccer game where the fans were out of control. throughout the whole entire game, they were constantly booing the other team, yelling profanity at them, telling them they suck, and just being all around assholes.
in america, if someone is injured, usually you kneel, and when they get up you usually clap. not over here, they shout awful things at them and tell them to get the hell off the field and tell them they suck. it's awful. so at one point when the jordan goalie went down, and was obviously in serious pain, the fans went wild with the booing and it was awful. by the end of the game i was rooting for jordan, just because korean fans her absolutely awful. korea ended up winning 3-1. damn.
another thing that was annoying about the game... the high school girls sitting behind us. i swear to god i was going to strangle them. korean girls already have sort of a whiny voice and it's worse when they scream. so imagine that, then take it and multiple it by a hundred and you have the screaming girls that were behind us at the game. they were awful. the whole time. at one point i was going to turn around and hit one of them. amy nicely turned around and asked them to be quiet, they just glared at here and giggled. they were quiet for a bit and then started up again. so what did jennie and i do, we were mature and completely blocked their view by standing back up. they were trying to take pictures and we kept standing there right in front of them. at this point i didn't care. nothing we said was going to get them to shut up, so we fought back. jerks.
overall the weekend was good. i am ready for the weekend again. i can't believe it's only monday. boo...
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