kid you not, i have heard this saying on three different occasions from three different people. this makes me feel loved.... though there is a perfectly good reason for me being called a train wreck. i have had a week of accident after accident.
while straightening my hair, i managed to catch part of my ear in the heated part and burn it. i have done this before, multiple times actually. and every time the same thing happens. i jump, drop my straightener, go find something cold for my ear and start cussing. it's getting ridiculous.
i realized that since being in korea i haven't worn heels. now this doesn't seem like that big of a deal except i went from having MANY heels and wearing heels ALL the time to now only have 2 pairs of heels wth me and never wearing them. so i decided i would wear them to work. not that it would really matter because we wear our inside shoes and not the shoes we actually wear to school. BIG mistake. i walk to work everyday. i didn't think this would be a big deal since i wore them all the time at home. by the time i got to work i had a huge blister on my right pinky toe. so much pain. i have never had a blister from shoes before.
my coteacher informed me we were going to take my tax paperwork to the tax office after school. so i reluctantly put my heels back on (with my blister covered with bandaids) this did nothing. my blister only grew. i ended up stopping at a friends apt on the way home and she thankfully gave me flip flops to wear the rest of the way home.
also on tuesday i managed to give myself the largest bruise i have had since i was nailed with a softball by a line drive hit my junior year of college. here's what happened: my co-teacher and i were walking back to the classroom from the office and we were both trying to jump and touch the ceiling. i came close and my teacher wanted me to try one more time. so i ran and went to jump, lost my footing and landed directly on my hip. i was wearing my TOMS (which have no traction) and the floors are very dusty which makes them slick. thankfully the only other person to see this was my co-teacher. she felt awful for making me try one more time. i got an instant bruise that has only grown and darkened over time.

wednesday i was doing good until about 4pm. then i managed to slam my finger in one of my desks drawers. there was definitely a very loud "dammit" that came out before i could catch myself. a few of the teachers jumped and turned to look what was wrong. needless to say the last 30 minutes of work was spent with my hand under an ice pack unable to do anything.
at this point in the week i didn't give myself much hope for making it through the next 12 hours without doing something. the only thing that bothered me all day was my hip. i kept bumping it (and still do) i was wearing flip flops until my blister was healed so that was fine.
after work dani and i met up in myeongdong to do some shopping. with summer coming we are both in need of some summer clothes. we made it the whole shopping trip and were on our way to dinner when i got this shooting pain from my left leg down around my shin. the more we walked, the more it hurt. sitting down during dinner helped, but as soon as we walked, it was shooting pain again. by the time i got home i had to limp from the subway to my apt cause it hurt so bad.
what did i do this time? i have a shin splint. i walk everywhere i go, which wouldn't be a bad thing except i have been wearing old navy flip flops all week, which mean no support. so now when i walk there is a shooting pain all the way up my shin.
the conclusion i have come to... i'm falling apart. so yes i guess you could say i am a train wreck.
wednesday i was doing good until about 4pm. then i managed to slam my finger in one of my desks drawers. there was definitely a very loud "dammit" that came out before i could catch myself. a few of the teachers jumped and turned to look what was wrong. needless to say the last 30 minutes of work was spent with my hand under an ice pack unable to do anything.
at this point in the week i didn't give myself much hope for making it through the next 12 hours without doing something. the only thing that bothered me all day was my hip. i kept bumping it (and still do) i was wearing flip flops until my blister was healed so that was fine.
after work dani and i met up in myeongdong to do some shopping. with summer coming we are both in need of some summer clothes. we made it the whole shopping trip and were on our way to dinner when i got this shooting pain from my left leg down around my shin. the more we walked, the more it hurt. sitting down during dinner helped, but as soon as we walked, it was shooting pain again. by the time i got home i had to limp from the subway to my apt cause it hurt so bad.
what did i do this time? i have a shin splint. i walk everywhere i go, which wouldn't be a bad thing except i have been wearing old navy flip flops all week, which mean no support. so now when i walk there is a shooting pain all the way up my shin.
the conclusion i have come to... i'm falling apart. so yes i guess you could say i am a train wreck.
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