2. as much as i love children, it drive me crazy when there is a crying baby out in public. like a screaming child that will not stop. i can't stand it. it drives me absolutely crazy.
3. i love working with children. they just make everything so carefree.
4. i have lived in oregon my whole life and after 23 years i am ready to get out. which is why i decided today that i am fully committed to applying to go to south korea with rooooooommate.
5. my favorite color is purple. i had a complete stranger tell me this because my phone cover is purple and my coach purse is purple.
6. i love taking pictures.
7. my biggest fear is heights. i can't stand heights. at all. bridges. airplanes. ferris wheels. anything too high off the ground.
8. i love quotes. i love finding quotes. they just make me feel better for some reason. sort of inspired i guess.
9. i love raw cookie dough.
10. i want another tattoo. i know exactly what i want and have no idea where i want to put it.
11. this number is my favorite number. has been since i was 7 years old.
12. christmas is my favorite holiday. i can't stand halloween; worst holiday ever.
13. i love mashed potatoes. that is the only way i will eat potatoes. i have been told i make amazing mashed potatoes. my favorite mashed potatoes are at cheesecake factory.
14. i could be perfectly content curled up in sweats under a nice warm blanket next to a fire with a wonderful cup of hot cocoa (with a little kahlua) and a good book.
15. i believe in true love.
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