by the end of today i was so ready to get away from everyone. i am sick of being around people and stress and stupidity. i need a vacation away from here, away from everyone around me.
someone i got screwed and am missing specific stuff. it pisses me off to no end and am about ready to explode. if i find one more thing that has gone missing someone is going to hear about it and they aren't going to like it. but at this point i don't really care. stupid selfish idiots who i am in no mood to deal with for the next few weeks.
largest goodwill pile i think i have every taken to goodwill is going tonight. i purged so much. and am very proud of myself.
need to figure out where my stuff is going after we move out, when i am moving out. i also need to talk to kelly and kathy about living situation stuff after august. as of now we are homeless... well really i am the only one. kathy has her apartment and kelly has the house that she is sitting for right now.
i really just want to scream at the top of my lungs right now. so pissed off right now. i'm off to clean.
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