Sunday, March 8, 2009

just gotta keep going

because i can't sleep and have been tagged many many times on this.

25 random things about me:

1) my one and only surgery was when i was 2 hours old. i was born with my intestines on the outside, so basically i had to be put back together. i have 3 scars from this surgery. and i don't have a regular bellybutton like everyone else does.

2) i have always been afraid of clowns. i remember my parents dressing up as clowns for i think my 3rd birthday party and i remember running out of the house to my grandparents lap, who were outside talking with old family friends.

3) i really wanted to study abroad when i was in college. my parents wouldn't let me. they also let my 15 year old sister go to ukraine the following september for 2 weeks.

4) i have worn glasses since i was 5 years old. i used to come home from kindergarten and my circles wouldn't be connected at all. i always had those old school big glasses too. then i broke them at a basketball camp one year and have worn contacts ever since.

5) i have broken two bones. my right wrist on the 2nd day of kindergarten falling off the monkey bars. and my pinky toe during a soccer game.

6) i am deathly allergic to bees. i am also allergic to a lot of other things, but am not going to even try and list all of them. i would probably miss a lot.

7) my first job was working in a cherry orchard in central oregon. back when my spanish was better.

8) heart problems run in my family. that is what every family member of mine has died from. i am afraid that is how i will too.

9) i dropped a dresser on my left foot when i was helping a friend move her room around and my toenails on my last three toes didn't grow back correctly and that is really why i hate my feet.

10) i absolutely hate feet. i think they are the grossest thing ever. i hate foot massages and when peoples feet get near me.

11) i love my handwriting and really always have.

12) i have had the same bruise for over a year. i was playing intramural softball and a guy on my team was up to bat. i was on 1st base and he ripped a ball right down the first base line and i had no chance to move. it nailed me in the right calf. i think it actually permanently did some damage. but to this day you can see part of the bruise. its in the shape of a circle.

13) i have a permanent clicking noise in both my right ankle and right thumb. one is from soccer and the other is softball.

14) my senior year of high school i was hit with a softball in the jaw by my coach. the very next day in our game i was hit in the back of the head while batting.

15) i have always had soft hair. like abnormally soft hair. and everyone who has ever told me that is always jealous.

16) i had a fear of bathtubs when i was little. i always thought i would get sucked down the drain.

17) i am afraid of drowning. which is a big part of the reason that i don't like to go swimming.

18) i love to read. last summer i read 13 books. the summer before that i read around 11. sadly i never have enough time to read during the school year. i save it for breaks. over christmas break i read 5 books. i think one day i want a whole room in my future house to be books wall to wall.

19) i want to travel. so bad. i wish i could just pick up everything and leave.

20) the only instrument i have ever known how to play is the clarinet. i hated that thing soooo much.

21) i miss playing competitive sports year round. i miss soccer, basketball and softball.

22) i am actually not related to a lot of my mom's side of the family that i know now by blood. i have never met my biological grandma or grandpa on that side. my grandma (biological) died when my mom was 17 and as far as my mom is concerned my grandpa ray is her actual dad and not orin. after my grandma (biological) died my grandpa ray married the woman that i call my grandma. both of their families are the only families i know.

23) i am totally terrified of what the future brings. in all aspects, but i know that things will work out how they are supposed to be and everything will be okay.

24) i am actually really afraid of the dark. but only if i am alone in a creepy place or a house by myself. i hate being in a house by myself. i start to hear everything and always think it is someone trying to break in.

25) i still have not gotten my wisdom teeth taken out. my dentist said i really don't need to and i have never actually felt them if they were coming in or not.

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