so i got tagged on facebook a few times and i figured i would put it here. so here goes....
16 things about me:
1. my one and only surgery i ever had was when i was 2 hours old. they basically had to put me back together after i was born. i was born without a belly button. not many people can say that.
2. i love the feeling i get when i see a child get something. the way their eyes light up and they get that big smile on their face. it lights up my world. it's what i live for.
3. i hate the dark. when i was little i was super afraid of the dark. i guess you could say i sort of still am. if i am alone in a place that i haven't been before, there has to be a light on or everything spooks me.
4. as much as i can't stand feet for many different reasons, my toenails always have to be painted. it drives me crazy when they are not because i think my toes look gross. paint makes them look better in my opinion.
5. i miss my family more than i tend to lead on. i try and be an independent girl who is out in the real world surviving, but deep down i miss them most of the time.
6. i love books. and music. and shoes and bags. i guess you could call me a little crazy when it comes to any of those, but i love 'em.
7. i have a hard time getting rid of things such as old letters and keepsake things. my box from high school was recently cleaned out and i finally got rid of most of my graduation cards. i just don't want to forget anything, which i guess is why i keep little random things.
8. one day i want to own a yellow lab and possibly a great dane. i never had a dog growing up and usually am scared of big dogs, but one day i will own both. for myself and to prove everyone wrong. :)
9. freshman year of college i wore slippers (flip flops for most of you) for most of the year... even in the winter. but my love for heels has taken over and i usually don't wear slippers till summer. and i can't help but call them slippers for as many times as i got told i was wrong freshman year by sharone.
10. i have only broken one bone. i fell off the monkey bars on the 2nd day of kindergarten and had to wear a cast for 7 weeks. needless to say my parents decided to go with a white one. and by the end, it wasn't so white.
11. i love candles. they all just smell amazing.
12. i played the clarinet in middle school and can honestly say that i hated it most of the time. my parents told me i should play an instrument, but when it came to picking it, they wouldn't even hear of me playing anything but the clarinet.
13. i grew up shooting guns at targets and old beer and soda cans with my dad out on deserted roads in the middle of nowhere and i loved it.
14. i have been told that i talk in my sleep. not like carrying on full conversations, but i will say the most random things. i think i get that from my dad. he woke himself up once because he was 'supposedly' choking on a golf ball.
15. i am afraid of failure and disappointment more than anyone will ever know.
16. i have a life list. i have never really written it down, but i know there are things that i want to accomplish and do and see. maybe one day i will get around to writing it all down.
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